

Nigeria: FATF on-site visit consultation with NPOs

Our coalition member, Spaces for Change, met with a five-member FATF/GIABA assessor team in Abuja on 10 October. They said they had seen Spaces for Change's report on the NRA and asked several questions about the issues raised in the report, especially around the existing AML/CFT regulatory frameworks, the classification of NPOs as DNFIs and the undue reporting burdens that Nigerian NPOs face. Discussed was the possible introduction of a dedicated regulator for the sector to deal with the current multiple reporting burden placed on NPOs.  Spaces for Change was able to mobilize 61 groups to sign on to a group statement under the auspices of the Action Group on Free Civic Space, which was sent on to FATF/GIABA. As agreed with the national AML/CFT regulators, Spaces for Change also forwarded the additional statement updating the facts raised in their March report to FATF/GIABA.  GIABA have acknowledged receipt of all reports and have now asked for additional information - Spaces for Change is coordinating with other local groups to answer these.