

The Global NPO Coalition on FATF is a loose network of diverse nonprofit organizations (NPOs). The Coalition advocates for improvement in the quality and effectiveness of FATF Mutual Evaluations with sustained outreach to the NPO sector, and the effective, risk-based implementation of FATF Recommendations affecting NPOs, particularly Recommendation 8 (R8). The aim is to mitigate the unintended consequences of countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) policies on civil society in order that legitimate charitable activity is not disrupted. The advocacy agenda is driven by policy changes at the FATF/global/national level that require swift action and engagement by NPOs as well as by a bottom-up process emerging from impact felt by NPOs on the ground. 

Since 2014, four organizations have developed strategies, and facilitated and coordinated the Coalition. They are supported by a core group of NPOs representing a wide range of interests across countries and regions. The Coalition has established a constructive relationship with the FATF Secretariat for the exchange of ideas, enabling transparent engagement.

Four organizations lead the Coalition. These are:

Charity & Security Network: CSN  monitors the impact of  restrictive counter-terrorism measures on nonprofits, especially those imposed by the US Government and US Treasury post 9/11 and advocates for reform.

European Center for Not-for-Profit Law: ECNL advises governments and NPOs on NPO law and is involved in policymaking concerning the civil and political rights of NPOs in countries around the world.

Philea on behalf of WINGS: Philea engages the European Commission on policy, laws and regulation that affect foundations in European countries. Philea also represents the wider philanthropic sector encompassed by WINGS for the Coalition. 

Human Security Collective: HSC has been engaging counter-terrorism policymakers since 2008 with the aim of including civil society in counter-terrorism (CT) and countering violent extremism(CVE) policymaking and programming.

These four organizations have been supported in this work in part by the Open Society Foundation's Human Rights Initiative, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, and Ford Foundation. The views on the platform do not necessarily represent the views of either funder.

The larger Core Group includes:

Al-Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (Tunisia), Community World Service Asia (Pakistan), Defenders Protection Initiative (Uganda), International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (US), Islamic Relief Worldwide (UK), Konekt (North Macedonia), Muslims for Human Rights (Kenya), Norwegian Refugee Council (Switzerland), PINGO (Indonesia), Spaces for Change (Nigeria), UnidOSC (Mexico).
(This online platform is run by Human Security Collective out of The Hague.)


Technical Advisory Group

Our current pool of experts includes:

Ben Evans, Director and Senior Associate, Greenacre Associates Ltd (UK)

David Lewis, Managing Director and Global Head of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Advisory, Kroll and former Executive Secretary, Financial Action Task Force

Sue Eckert, Non-resident Senior Adviser, International Peace Institute (IPI) and Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Tom Keatinge, Director, Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

Tracey Durner, Director, Financial Integrity and Inclusion, Global Center for Cooperative Security



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email: npos@fatfplatform.org
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If you would like to support our efforts to influence policies affecting civic space, do join the Coalition.
Please contact us via twitter or email.

