
Engaging in Mutual Evaluation process


Find out who represents your government at the FATF plenary (likely to be the Ministry of Finance) and request a meeting. If your country is not a member of FATF find out who in government is the contact for the FATF regional body. A list of FATF members and regional bodies is here.

Be aware of when your country is up for an FATF evaluation. Form a coalition to advocate the cause of a free and fully-functioning civil society space.

Learn from civil society in countries that have gone through the mutual evaluation process.

Keep tabs on and highlight rules/regulations/laws that are, either directly or indirectly, affecting your ability to function effectively.

The FATF has now made it possible for civil society and other interested stakeholders to share and provide submissions ahead of a country's Mutual Evaluation process. Please see here for further details, including for where and when these submissions can be made and what format they should take. Do keep in mind that all submissions will be shared with the country being assessed and that the source of the information will be identified. The deadline for submission is two months prior to the scheduled onsite visit.


Case Study (2017) on US Nonprofit Organizations and the FATF Mutual Evaluation Process 2015-16


  • Read here on how nonprofit organizations can  be involved in the FATF evaluation process.
  • Report (2016) on workshop held to discuss the experiences of NPOs in the FATF evaluation process, in order to identify good practice and challenges, and set out recommendations to improve the practical implementation of the process. This was done by engaging stakeholders involved in recent evaluations (FATF evaluators, Governments and NPOs).The overall goal was to discuss steps to improve the implementation of the FATF methodology and the training of evaluators with regards to Recommendation 8 and its Interpretative Note.