
Gather evidence and information


Gather evidence and information on the unintended consequences of the countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) agenda on the operational environment of civil society in your country, whether that is banks blocking transactions to conflict zones or closing NPO accounts; laws being enacted to restrict foreign funding; the introduction of burdensome governance and audit requirements; the prosecution of human rights defenders; or limitations to the right to assemble or protest. 


  • United States: Prior to the FATF evaluation of the US in 2016, Coalition members Charity & Security Network and the Council on Foundations submitted a detailed memo to the FATF Secretariat providing the evaluation team with background information on US counterterrorism laws, the impacts on nonprofit organizations (NPOs) and how this compares to FATF standards. It found that US law failed to meet the FATF criteria of a risk-based approach, proportionality, protection of legitimate NPOs and consistency with human rights and humanitarian law. 
  • Empirical research on financial access restrictions: see the Resources page for more.  


  • For an illustrative list of overregulation of nonprofit organizations see here.
  • International Center for Not-for-Profit Law’s Civic Freedom Monitor has up-to-date country-specific information on legal issues affecting civil society and civic freedoms, including freedoms of association, expression, and peaceful assembly.