

Coalition input to FATF Recommendation 1 public consultation call

The FATF is undertaking a project to review and consider limited and targeted amendments to Recommendation 1 and its Interpretive Note, as well as update the FATF Guidance on AML/CFT measures and financial inclusion (the 2017 Guidance), to encourage implementation of effective and proportionate measures commensurate to higher and lower risk situations, with a view to promoting a more inclusive financial system with adequate safeguards in place.

The FATF would like to include real-world examples of good or innovative practices that apply the AML/CFT standards in ways that supports financial inclusion. They are also interested in better understanding the issue of simplified due diligence measures, and how these are applied in practice.

The Global NPO Coalition made this submission to the call. There were also separate submissions made by individual Coalition members, including from Nigeria, Latin America, the UK and Philippines.