UNSR Report on Impact of CT ‘Soft Law’ Instruments
The impact of the proliferation of ‘soft law’ instruments and related standard-setting initiatives and processes in the counter-terrorism context on the promotion and protection of human rights at the global, regional and domestic level. (Aug 2019)
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Understanding the Drivers of De-risking
This HSC/ECNL study situates de-risking at the intersection of frameworks for security and regulation. Multistakeholder perspectives in three country contexts, Brazil, Mexico & Ireland, help illuminate governance and accountability mechanisms. (Mar 2018)
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Does the FATF Help or Hinder Financial Inclusion?
CGDev's Mike Pisa examines whether the FATF's Risk-Based Approach helps developing countries implement its anti-money-laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) standards without increasing financial exclusion. (May 2019)
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Counter-terrorism, 'Policy Laundering' & the FATF
This seminal TNI/Statewatch report was among the first to find that the legal and regulatory measures the FATF recommends are being used by governments to suppress nonprofits. (Feb 2012)
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Derisking and Nonprofits
How do you solve a problem that no-one wants to take responsibility for? Lia van Broekhoven, Vanja Skoric and Ben Hayes investigate. (Jul 2017)
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Ensuring Financial Access for NPOs
Public- and private-sector international stakeholders convened in The Hague to examine what each can do to reverse the phenomenon of bank derisking impacting NPOs. Organized by the Dutch Ministry of Finance, the World Bank and HSC. (Feb 2018)
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Financial Access for US Nonprofits
This Charity & Security Network report is the first ever empirical study on the de-risking phenomenon of US NPOs, finding tha two-thirds of all US nonprofits that work abroad face financial access difficulties. (Feb 2017)
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What CTF Costs Gender Equality and Security
This report by Duke Law and WPP, entitled Tightening the Purse Strings, analyzes how countering terrorism financing rules impact women’s rights organizing, women’s rights organizations, and gender equality. (Mar 2017)
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Advancing a Risk-Based Response to TF
This RUSI paper provides an assessment of the different forms of terrorist actor and proposes ways in which a more informed and dynamic response to terrorist financing could be developed. (Mar 2020)
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Risk Management Guide for Funds to High-Risk Areas
Written by Justine Walker, this guide has been developed to offer practical tips for how banks, humanitarian organizations and donors can work together to ensure aid can reach civilians in need of assistance in high-risk jurisdictions. (May2020)
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Impact of CT regulations on humanitarian action
Key recommendations by the UN's IASC on the impact of counter-terrorism (CT) legislation and measures on principled humanitarian assistance. (Feb 2020)
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NGR: Unpacking Official Construction of Risks
Report by Spaces for Change which challenges the official assessment of risk and vulnerability of the nonprofit sector in Nigeria. (2018)
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Factsheet: Civil Society Access to Resources
Factsheet on civil society's right to access resources and how that is enshrined in international law and norms. (May 2015)
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TF/Corruption Risk Mitigation in Mex and Arg
An exploration of perceptions of terrorism financing and corruption risks in the NPO sector in Mexico and Argentina, as well as a look at the effectiveness of the mitigation measures in place.
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Inclusive Financial Integrity: AFI/CENFRI Toolkit
Complying with global AML/CFT standards should not come at the expense of enabling participation in the formal financial system. This toolkit provides practical guidance on aligning financial inclusion and AML/CFT outcomes. (Jul 2020)
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A Business and HR Perspective on Bank De-risking
Report based on the premise that banks’ discretion to de-risk NPOs is limited by their responsibility to respect human rights under the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights & the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (Jul 2021)
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The Future of FATF Rec 8: A Foresight Piece
Research interrogating the normative counterterrorism financing framework related to non-profits and its implementation at national level.
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