Video of results of NPO risk mapping exercise in 17 Latin American countries

Watch this video (in Spanish with English subtitles) of the results of the NPO risk mapping exercise conducted in 17 countries in Latin America. The report presents an in-depth analysis of an extensive survey of findings (729 nonprofit sector representatives surveyed in the 17 participating countries), and recommends reforms that can be implemented.
Watch this video (in Spanish with English subtitles) of the results of the NPO risk mapping exercise conducted in 17 countries in Latin America. The video was produced by WINGS together with members of the Global NPO Coalition (Gabriella Pellon, Jocelyn Nieva and Miguel de la Vega).
Coalition partner ICNL led this research project mapping terrorist financing risk in nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in GAFILAT member countries. The result is an NPO sector regional report, in collaboration with experts from 17 Latin American countries and the Global NPO Coalition on FATF, which documents sector perceptions of terrorism financing risk and country compliance with FATF Standards. Presenting an in-depth analysis of an extensive survey of findings (729 nonprofit sector representatives surveyed in the 17 participating countries), the report recommends reforms that can be implemented through collaboration among NPOs, government agencies, regional FATF bodies, and international experts. Country-specific recommendations are also included.
For a detailed overview and both the Spanish and English language reports, click here.
For the presentation on the findings of the report that was shared with GAFILAT members (including a video, slide 8), click here.