Roundtable: Counter-terrorism & money-laundering policy and NPOs
An informal roundtable to review the latest developments in counter-terrorism-financing and money-laundering policy at the international and EU levels and their impact on the non-profit sector (NPOs) was held in Brussels on July 4.
An NPO coalition, under the aegis of ECNL, EFC and HSC among others, has worked for more transparent and formalised engagement of policymakers with the NPO sector around this issue and for ensuring that transparency measures introduced to counter terrorism financing and/or money laundering are proportionate to the risk they seek to address and in line with privacy and other fundamental rights. This roundtable was jointly organised by ECNL, EFC and HSC in collaboration with Civil Society Europe and Transparency International, with an aim to enable an exchange among different NPOs around this agenda and discuss recent updates in international and EU policy including the EU Supranational Risk Assessment findings and envisaged amendments to the 4th EU Anti-Money-Laundering Directive (see here for press release including links to the EU Risk Assessment report).
1. Welcome and introductions
2. FATF policy and NPOs
a. Formalised FATF dialogue with NPO sector – need for more transparency around FATF policy making?
b. Revised FATF R8 – now risk-based approach with outreach to NPOs – how can NPOs engage?
c. FATF – national-level FATF evaluations – need to promote engagement/outreach of national governments with their respective NPO sector – what can NPOs do to encourage governments to conduct more outreach?
d. FATF AML work – R24/25 – do NPOs engage around this agenda and how this applies to them?
3. EU CTF/AML Policy and NPOs
a. EU Supranational Risk Assessment (SNRA) findings followed by exchange of views
b. EU AMLD revision – state of play and impact on the NPO sector followed by comments from NPOs
4. Bank de-risking – discussion of effects of more transparency measures within banks who have become a driver for de-risking of civil society
5. Wrap up and conclusions